Tracing levels
Documentum job scheduler
Xense Session Manager
Trace Levels
Level 1
Level 2
Level 5
Level 9
Level 10
DMCL tracing levels
Client-side DMCL API tracing is a key tool for tracking down the causes of run-time problems and also for performance profiling. The format of the trace file has changed significantly with the introduction of Documentum version 5. This article looks at the different client-side tracing levels available and describes the information output with each setting.

When you understand the invaluable information contained in DMCL trace files you will want to use them all the time. Xense has developed a product that deals with the vast quantities of data that can be output during tracing and provides invaluable performance tuning reports. Xense Profiler is a Documentum performance profiling tool that has been developed to support our easy-to-use performance tuning method.

DMCL API tracing is activated either by entries in the dmcl.ini file or via a DMCL API call. The following entries in the [DMAPI_CONFIGURATION] section of the dmcl.ini turn on tracing:



trace_file specifies the pathname of the API log file that will be generated. trace_level is a number from 0 to 10 that specifies the level of detail in the trace output. Each session that is started after these settings are placed in the dmcl.ini will write out tracing information to the log file. The DMCL API call is trace and has the following syntax:


<filename> specifies which file will receive the api calls <level> is as described for trace_level above. next